European lobster farming

European lobster farming

We have developed a farming technology that is universal for multiple species, including European lobster farming. It has an environmental impact that is almost zero and is complete with a digitized management system that uses AI technologies. Our smart aquaculture farm has very accurate programming and precise economic results, resolving the well-known problem of cannibalism and losses during the lobster’s juvenile phase and the molting period with an engineering solution and specific husbandry protocols

smart aquaculture

Developer: Dr. Roberto Rabiti

DINAQUA Project Manager, RAS solutions expert

Since 1972, he has been involved in the construction of aquaculture farms in Italy and various countries around the Mediterranean and the world. A list of the projected and built plants includes shrimp, lobster, eel, sea bass, sea bream, mullet, bream, perch, pikes, tilapia and others farms for various species

From 2003 to 2005, he directed the research of the state of fishing and aquaculture in Tuscany, where he worked also as a coach and as the RAS solutions expert in the training course for regional aquaculture technicians. A few years later, he participated in the integrated design for the development of aquaculture in the Sardinia region

Some countries where he has provided international and often governmental consulting services include Japan, the Philippines, Cuba, Senegal, Santo Domingo, Ghana, Chile, Brazil, Algeria and Tunisia

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the species
The great advantage of DINAQUA smart aquaculture is versatility factor, the possibility to chose the species, mostly important at the beginning on order reduce exit in cash-flow period and then to respond to the eminent evolution of the market in the long therm

Allevamento di astice: Astice blu - Lobster farm: European lobster

European lobster

The European lobster is a valuable crustacean, with higher commercial value compared to its Canadian “brother”, also because at this times it almost entirely comes from fishing. We have managed to overcome the problems of the juvenile phase

Mazzancolle tropicali - White leg shrimp

Tropical shrimps

Shrimp for various reasons allows you to better manage the start-up of the farm, especially for those who enter the sector for the first time, so you can start with shrimp and add lobster from the second year of activity

Ostrica piatta - European flat oyster


We cultivate bivalves, such as oysters, mussels, scallops, etc. in the same farming circuits, to enhance the filtration system, as the play an important role as bio-sanitizers

the advantages

Over one hectare of active filtration surface for each aquaculture module

We’ve improved the Shigueno method, born in Japan in the 1980s with the aim of achieving the economy of water thermostatisation in Mediterranean climatic conditions, we have managed to combine with a better economic performance the engineering aspect, management model and marketing strategy
The prove of the success of DINAQUA intelligent lobster farming is the 2-step filtration system: the draining bottom (1), accompanied by the percolation biological filter (2), which performs three functions: filters the water, facilitates oxygenation, acts as a heat exchanger

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Improves balanced consumption of resources

With the application of AI, the management model is constantly improved. The husbandry model itself follows the objectives of the FarmToFork directive and reduces both energy consumption and CO2 emissions compared to the frozen supply chain

Requires few water thanks to continuous recirculation

In RAS aquaculture, water is continuously recycled, and for DINAQUA smart aquaculture even within completely autonomous module, so we make only with 1 complete water change in a month, followed by intense sanitary control including the quality of the water before releasing

Respects the biological cycle of the animal

Smart farming exploits the natural immune defenses of the animal, creating an optimal and controlled and healthy environment, completely excludes the need for antibiotics, while constant oxidation prevents the production of toxic substances from anoxic degradation

Improves payback period of investment

Thanks to the characteristic of modularity, consequently with a lower investment threshold for start-up, accompanied by the choice of the species and the fact of short construction period (just a few month), we have really quick the exit in cash, so much shorter payback period

the oysters

We stand for the polyculture IMTA model by cultivating bivalves, namely oysters, mussels, scallops, etc. in the same circuits, using their important role of bio-sanitizers. In this way, we can manage better the bacterial component and organic particulate, producing at the same time high-value commercial biomass at relatively low co

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the faq

We’ve identified the most frequently asked questions by our customers in the initial stages of collaboration for the RAS off-land smart aquaculture farm and we propose here the synthetic answers.

If you need further assistance or have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we’ll be really happy to help you

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What are the requirements for a suitable land piece?

It is sufficient that the land is for agricultural use and relatively flat, with any geological composition, and preferably rectangular with one dimension wider than 60 m. For saltwater projects, it should also be located not far from the coastal zone, within 1.5 km.

What is the scale of investment?
Thanks to the modularity of each farm, investment thresholds can be adjusted to be suitable. Therefore, the business model for three complete investment scales, including both investment data and net margins, is shared from the first meeting upon signing the non-disclosure agreement
I’m new to aquaculture. Would it be a problem?
Most of our clients are making their first entry into the sector, and for some, it’s even their first entrepreneurial experience. Thanks to the range of services developed by our team and in collaboration with our strategic partners, we can provide all the necessary services for the initial stages, as well as for capital raising and long-term assistance. The smart control system has been designed also to manage risks of launch phase, when production is already underway, but the team is still learning to manage the farm. So our goal is to make business together, not just a farm
Are you able to carry out projects outside of Italy?
Yes, we are. We are active throughout the EU and we apply a mixed method of work – thanks to our proprietary digital solutions – with video call meetings aimed at understanding your needs and carrying out all preliminary checks in an absolutely free manner, with an inspection phase in face-to-face meetings to follow
Can I visit any of your smart farms?
Currently, the entire crustacean farming chain is in the capital raising phase, so there is “work in progress”. Obviously, it will be possible to visit the farms in the future with the signing of the non-disclosure agreement and with the inspection phase, therefore with business plan completed for your farm
Do you have a secure supply channel for jivenils?
Certainly, we have. As an integral part of the first italian crustacen supply chain,  DINAQUA has committed to creating the National Reproduction Center to guarantee the supply of post-larvae to all smart farms

I have found the true professionals in the DINAQUA team, ready to help me and always available to answer my questions. Although I was skeptical at first and the idea seemed almost impossible to me, now I am realizing what I have always wanted to do

Claudio Dell’Anna, Puglia – Italy, Zürich – Swiss

Need more information about the investment scale?​

We will be happy to answer your questions and to satisfy your needs

+39 0784 1786652↗

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